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  1. Test Your Art Knowledge: MFAH Trivia

    Apr 26, 2020 - Put your art knowledge to the test with her top five questions. Make it a friendly (virtual) competition by sharing with friends and family! (see slideshow image #3) 3) Impasto | In The Gust of Wind by Gustave Courbet, you can see the areas of impasto in the multiple layers of white paint laid on top of the tree trunk and the rocks, as well as the vegetation around

  2. Meet the MFAH: Patrick Palmer, Dean of the Glassell Studio School

    Apr 9, 2020 - What are your top five works of art in the MFAH collections? I surprised myself in trying to narrow my favorite works down to five; I would have been more comfortable with 25!  While the school is temporarily closed, he shared a bit about his years at Glassell, the online courses just launched, the daily sketchbook he started at home, and his top 5 works of art in the MFAH collections.

  3. Operating on Art: Treating Walker Evans’s “Banda Headdress”

    Aug 1, 2014 - Detail of the top right corner of the photograph before and after treatment. Banda Headdress arrived in the MFAH conservation lab with a tear in the top right corner that made it unsafe for the object to be handled or displayed.

  4. By the Stream (Suyoocheon)

    His go-to actress, Kim Minhee, won a top prize at the Locarno Film Festival for her role as Jeonim in By the Stream.

  5. When Evil Lurks (Cuando Acecha la Maldad)

    The top-grossing Argentine horror film of all time, it is a profoundly unsettling and ghastly addition to the possession genre.

  6. Ingmar Bergman’s Cinema: A Centennial

    Film curator Marian Luntz recommends the top five things to see and do during the series. Presented in association with the Swedish Film Institute and the Ingmar Bergman Foundation. 

  7. Virtual Cinema 2020 | An Award-Winning Year for Films

    Jan 1, 2021 - Celebrate a year of top-notch films curated by the MFAH film department. Virtual Cinema features new offerings along with movies originally scheduled for Brown Auditorium Theater at the Museum.

  8. Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

    Recently named #1 on the BFI’s Sight & Sound 100 Greatest Films list (compiled every 10 years), this film is the first directed by a woman to be ranked at the top in the survey’s 70-year history.

  9. St. John’s School Choir | Christmas Caroling

    Kantorei is the top high school chamber choir at St. John’s School. The choir sings a cappella, and this afternoon Kantorei spreads holiday cheer at the Museum with a Christmas caroling performance.

  10. Happening (L’événement)

    Based on the semi-autobiographical novel by French writer Annie Ernaux, Happening won the Golden Lion, the top prize at the 2021 Venice Film Festival. Visiting Guidelines Masks are recommended in Museum auditoriums.