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  1. Teamwork Saves a Great Work of Art for Houston’s Future

    Aug 22, 2019 - What can you say about the significance of Blue Triangle and the importance of preserving this part of its history? It’s amazing, this continuity.

  2. Visualizing the Future: An Interview with Artists Joris Laarman & Anita Star

    Jun 29, 2018 - Making has sort of lost all its meaning. I like to know who designed and made the things that I own. With industrial design, there’s an idea from a designer behind an object, but there’s a repetitive production.

  3. Overview

    The collection is composed primarily of exhibition installation views; photographs of museum openings and events with members of the art community and museum staff; interior and exterior views of the MFAH campus and its environs

  4. Powell Library FAQs

    As a community resource, the Powell Library opens its doors to the general public interested in American art, decorative arts, material culture, and history.

  5. The David B. Warren Symposium

    One of the greatest cultural treasures in the state of Texas, Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens is renowned for its superb collection of American and Texas decorative arts and paintings.

  6. Jazz Age Nightlife: “Sculpted in Steel” Meets “Deco Nights”

    Apr 28, 2016 - The refined elegance of this luxury American automobile, with its distinctive chrome radiator grille, is matched by the chrome-plated cocktail set in Deco Nights.

  7. Virtual Cinema | “Coded Bias” Examines Inherent Biases in Artificial Intelligence

    Nov 17, 2020 - Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm | New York Times | June 24, 2020In what may be the first known case of its kind, a faulty facial recognition match led to a Michigan man’s arrest for a crime he did not commit.

  8. MFAH + Houston Zoo Crossover: A Tale of Two Curators

    Nov 8, 2019 - I would first identify the bird’s taxonomic family based mainly on its body shape, then go through that taxonomic order in the handbook and compare the painted bird to the illustrations.

  9. The Art of Beatriz González

    Oct 19, 2019 - “In a shop window I found, next to bottles and snacks, one Salvat magazine with Le déjeuner sur l’herbe by Manet on its cover, ruined by the dirt and sun.

  10. A Feast for the Eyes

    Oct 17, 2019 - The bowl shows a snarling sea lion, a respected creature that also provided oil and food, with an eagle head as its tail. Both animals frequently appear on totem poles and other works.