Frequently Asked Questions: Images

  1. What can I use Public Domain images for? 
    Images of MFAH collection objects in the Public Domain can be used for educational purposes such as: school projects, classroom instruction, lectures, etc. And, for personal use such as: personal desktop backgrounds, iPhone wallpaper, sharing on social media and including on a personal website provided that the account is not commercial in nature and does not include advertising. Please cite the creator of the work and the URL as the source of the image.
  2. I am a scholar and want to use an image in a publication. What do I do?
    Please contact to request permission to reproduce our images in scholarly materials. Requests for objects that have never been photographed may require that a fee be charged. 
  3. Is there a fee for using MFAH images?
    There is a fee for commercial use of MFAH images. Commercial uses include retail products, mass market publications, and advertising. Please contact Bridgeman Images for commercial licensing.
  4. How do I order a poster or print of an MFAH image?
    Please contact 1000Museums to order print-on-demand posters and prints of works in the MFAH collection.
  5. Are any images from the MFAH collection allowed on my personal website or social media accounts?
    You may place MFAH images on your personal website or social media accounts, provided that the website or account is not commercial in nature and does not contain advertising. Image captions should cite the creator, indicate the object is owned by the MFAH, and include the URL
  6. Can I publish a picture that I took at the MFAH or scanned from a book?
    The MFAH does not authorize the reproduction of images other than those provided by the MFAH. For information about the MFAH photography and videography policy, please see

Please contact the photographic and imaging services department at for answers to other questions you may have about using images from the MFAH collection.