The Wages of Fear (Le salaire de la peur) Saturday, March 22, 2025 7 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Yves Montand stars as one of four men hired to transport a nitroglycerine shipment over a treacherous South American mountain route. As they carry their explosive cargo, each bump tests their courage, their friendship, and their nerves. The result is one of the greatest thrillers ever made—a white-knuckle ride from France’s legendary master of suspense, Henri-Georges Clouzot (Diabolique).
- $9 general admission; $7 MFAH members, students with ID, seniors (65+)
Plan Your Visit
- This screening takes place in the Brown Auditorium Theater in the Law Building.
- Parking Information | Museum Hours | MFAH Campus Map
This presentation is part of the French Cultures Festival, coordinated by Villa Albertine in Houston.
The film was restored by TF1 Studio, in collaboration with the Cinémathèque française, with the support of the CNC, the Archives audiovisuelles de Monaco, Kodak, and CGR Cinémas. The 4K restoration was created from a nitrate image negative and a sound duplicate made by Hiventy.
Underwriting for the Film Department is provided by Tenaris and American Friends of Fundacion Proa Inc., The June Leaf and Robert Frank Foundation, and the Vaughn Foundation.
Generous funding is provided by The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea; Foundation for Independent Media Arts; Nina and Michael Zilkha; Lois Chiles; Franci Neely; Carrin Patman and Jim Derrick; Ms. Laurence Unger; and ILEX Foundation.
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The Wages of Fear (Le salaire de la peur)
Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot
(France, 1953, 153 minutes, in French with English subtitles)
Brown Auditorium Theater, 4K restoration