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Showing results for ? 부족한 성욕을 불러일으키는 ‘여성 비아그라’ 등장 전후의 성 문화 변화

  1. MFAH Films Brings India to the Big Screen

    Apr 13, 2018 - In a stirring account of empowerment, the women explore desires through small acts of courage and rebellion in a conservative society. Merchant Ivory in India Heat and Dust The series Merchant Ivory in India (April 7–May 20) explores the landscape of a changing Rajasthan. Featuring the late Shashi Kapoor, Heat and Dust is a beguiling and seductive story that crosscuts between two generations of women who begin a journey of self-discovery.

  2. Tips for Visitors on the Autism Spectrum

    Apr 10, 2018 - This tunnel includes a work of art, The Light Inside by James Turrell (pictured above), which features a darkened passageway with neon lights and an optical illusion. Resting Places Benches are stationed throughout the Museum if you want to take a break. Need help locating one? Just ask a friendly guest-services associate or security guard. General admisison is also free to visitors who are age 18 or younger and visiting on a Saturday or Sunday with a library card from any public library in Texas. Learn more about admission fees.

  3. Slowing Down at the MFAH: Celebrate Slow Art Day!

    Apr 5, 2018 - Most people view a work of art for only 6 to 10 seconds—which is not surprising given our culture of distraction and constant visual stimuli. Whether you’re usually a run-through-the-galleries visitor, or you prefer a slow-down-for-one-exhibition experience, you’re invited to discover the benefits of taking your time with art, and to share your passion and creativity What we call “slow looking”—just spending time carefully viewing the details of a work of art—is the first step in the process, but in the powerful act of sharing your discoveries with other participants, a real sense of community

  4. Claude Cahun: “La Garçonne” in the Hirsch Library

    Mar 29, 2018 - Yet Cahun’s characters voiced her position as an outsider: a woman, a lesbian, a Jew. Through them, she challenged the cultural paradigms of her time.   Born in France, Cahun (1894–1954) was a writer, photographer, and activist. La Garçonne Modern women, known in France as les garçonnes (a feminized spelling of the French word for “boys”), grew in numbers with such a force that campaigns began to encourage women to return to the hearth, marry, procreate

  5. Looking at “Art of the Islamic Worlds” in a Digital Exhibition

    Feb 22, 2018 - To help you visualize how a 16th-century tile would have been used, I inserted an immersive interior view of a mosque, located in Istanbul, into Art of the Islamic Worlds. Here are a couple of highlights. Keep an eye out for these immersive details as you explore the exhibition! I experienced magnificent architecture and lush gardens, and read beautiful calligraphic texts—all from my desk at the MFAH.

  6. A Valentine’s Day Guide to Meddling Gods & Broken Hearts

    Feb 12, 2018 - prince, and Dido, queen of Carthage, are on a hunting trip when they’re caught in a sudden rainstorm: a scheme cooked up by Roman goddesses Juno and Venus. Francesco Solimena, The Royal Hunt of Dido and Aeneas, c. 1712–14 Location: Beck Building, second floor Aeneas & Dido This monumental painting features a scene from Virgil’s epic poem, the Aeneid, in which Aeneas, a Trojan As punishment, she transforms him into a stag, and his hounds hunt him down.    

  7. Love, Longing & Desire in “Bestowing Beauty”

    Feb 2, 2018 - Mirror Case (detail), Iran, probably Shiraz, mid-19th century A Song of Love The rose and the nightingale (gul u bulbul), a popular element in Persian poetry and art that is represented on a mirror case in the exhibition, well-dressed Safavid nobleman embracing a young woman. Pen Case (Qalamdan), Iran, probably Isfahan, late 17th century An Exotic Embrace Likewise, a qalamdan, or pen case, utilizes European-style landscapes and portrait medallions to complement the amorous tone of the lovers: a

  8. Sight, Sound & Cinematic Motion: The Mary Ellen Bute Retrospective at MFAH Films

    Jan 26, 2018 - Her films encompass a range of visual expression both familiar and unconventional. Get tickets for “Seeing Sound: Mary Ellen Bute Retrospective” on Saturday, February 3.  After the screening, stick around for a discussion with scholar and independent curator Kit Smyth Basquin, Ph.D.

  9. Inspired by Oscar! See the winning looks from Fashion Fusion

    Jan 24, 2018 - A competition that culminates in a live runway show and judging at the Museum, Fashion Fusion encourages students and alumni to create garments centered around the art on view in an MFAH exhibition. Out of the 24 garments that made it to the catwalk, a panel of judges selected two winners in each of the four categories—one current student and one alum. The audience voted for a favorite garment, too!  A double winner at Fashion Fusion, this voluminous red jumpsuit evokes the ruffles of de la Renta’s romantic “Custom Evening Ensemble,” worn by Mica Ertegun, as well as a dress that Beyoncé wore for Vogue.