Caroline Wiess Law Building Events Month of Tuesday, July 9, 2024-Thursday, August 8, 2024

Raqib Shaw, Ode to the Country Without a Post Office, 2019–20, acrylic liner and enamel on birchwood
Raqib Shaw: Ballads of East and West Through September 2, 2024

Raqib Shaw blends Eastern and Western influences to create mesmerizing works of art that merge fable, history, and autobiography.

10 Aug Sat / 2024

11 Aug Sun / 2024

14 Aug Wed / 2024

17 Aug Sat / 2024

18 Aug Sun / 2024

  • Green Border Film Poster
    Green Border (Zielona granica)
    2 p.m.—4:30 p.m.

    Along the treacherous forests (“green border”) between Belarus and Poland, refugees from the Middle East and Africa are lured by government propaganda promising easy passage to the European Union. Instead, they become trapped in an escalating geopolitical standoff.

21 Aug Wed / 2024

22 Aug Thu / 2024