“BLOCK XX” Virtual Celebration & Walk-through

The Glassell School of Art invites you to this free, virtual celebration and walk-through of the Studio School’s BLOCK XX exhibition.

► Live via Zoom
Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. Central Time

The BLOCK students talk about their work and their experiences in the BLOCK program, along with instructors Francesca Fuchs and Laura August.

Even though the celebration is online this year, the student artists want to raise a glass to the exhibition. If you would like to join in a toast from your home, the students suggest “The Esprit” cocktail, because they are united by a group spirit and mix well. The recipe? Simply choose a spirit of your choice, combine with your favorite mixer, and voilá—you have “The Esprit.”

Learn more about the BLOCK program

The Glassell School of Art receives generous funding from the Glassell Family; Daviee-Walters Family Trust; The Skiles Foundation; Leslie and Brad Bucher; Sue and Rusty Burnett; John P. McGovern Foundation; Mr. and Mrs. John S. Orton; and additional generous donors.