Inside the MFAH

“Inside the MFAH” provides perspectives, conversations, and opinions from insiders at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

  • Picasso’s “Woman with Outstretched Arms” January 8, 2013
    My favorite work in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, is Pablo Picasso’s Woman with Outstretched Arms. You won’t find it in our galleries at the moment, for it is visiting New York, where it welcomes all visitors to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum’s special exhibition Picasso Black and White. This playfully monumental sculpture returns to its Houston home for the second and …
  • Sandy cleanup 2
    Saving Art in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy December 12, 2012
    Hurricane Sandy hit the U.S. East Coast just before Halloween, affecting artists and arts organizations in unprecedented ways. Steve Pine, from the MFAH Conservation Department, volunteered to go to New York City to assist with recovery efforts. He shares his insights.After Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New York and New Jersey, significant flooding of low-lying areas resulted in a …
  • Simpson- Corridor (Night III)
    Last Chance to See Video Art November 9, 2012
    If you haven’t already seen There is no archive in which nothing gets lost, hurry! Head over to the museum's Glassell School of Art soon, before the show closes on November 25. Sally Frater, the curator and a Core Program critical-studies resident, selected works that are fresh, so to speak—made within the past decade. The title of the exhibition comes from a phrase in the book Deep Storage …
  • Walk Away Renee
    Walk Away Renee October 31, 2012
    Filmmaker and Houston native Jonathan Caouette visits the MFAH to present his new release, Walk Away Renee, on November 3. Emilia Duno, a senior in the International Baccalaureate Film Program at Lamar High School, chatted with Caouette (born 1972), about the movie, growing up in Houston, and the local film scene. When did your interest in film begin?JC: When I was 8 years old, my grandfather, …
  • Art Beyond Sight 2
    Art Beyond Sight October 23, 2012

    If you went blind tomorrow, would you still visit the art museum? If you couldn’t see art, would you still be able to have a positive art experience? 

  • Going Places
    Weekend getaway to France: Bertrand Blier directs Gérard Depardieu October 21, 2012
    This weekend, the museum presents a revival of three French movie classics from the 1970s and 1980s. The film series Blier/Depardieu celebrates the collaboration between the much-lauded writer-director Bertrand Blier (whose latest film, 2010's The Clink of Ice, stars Jean Dujardin from The Artist) and actor Gérard Depardieu. Blier and Depardieu have worked together eight times, and Depardieu …
  • Man on a Mission
    Man on a Mission October 16, 2012
    Brady Dial is the Austin-based producer of the inspiring documentary Man on a MissionEmilia Duno, a senior at Lamar High School in the International Baccalaureate Film Program, chatted with Dial about the movie, his opinions on private space travel, and the Houston film scene. How did you first hear about Richard Garriott and his self-financed space adventure?BD: Mike [Woolf, the director] and …
  • Sushi: The Global Catch
    Sushi: The Global Catch October 5, 2012
    Emilia Duno, a senior in the IB Film Program at Lamar High School, asked Mark Hall, director of Sushi: The Global Catch, a few questions about his film and what inspired the Austin-based filmmaker to address the issue of overfishing.   Are you a sushi fan? Favorite kind? MH: Yes, I really like sushi. I definitely approach it differently after making Sushi: The Global Catch. I try to find …
  • Art of Obs blog
    Med School Checklist: MFAH Edition September 26, 2012
    Pens and pencils? Check. Empty notebooks? Check. Mountains of flashcards? Check. Textbooks, textbooks, textbooks? Check. IV of caffeine? Check. MFAH? Check!Confused by the last item on that list? Let me explain. Could you describe what a spiral does without using anything but words? No cheating! You can’t use any hand gestures. Difficult, isn’t it? Now imagine that you are a …
  • childrens hospital 4
    Art for the Mind and Spirit September 7, 2012
    Anyone who knows anything about Houston knows that our city is famous for its massive, state-of-the-art Medical Center. Within the sprawling complex are so many children and families who benefit from the outreach program Art for the Mind and Spirit. The MFAH works closely with Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers, the Ronald McDonald House, and Shriner’s Hospital for Childrento …