MFAH Bus Scholarship Fund

The Museum offers a wide range of interdisciplinary, curriculum-based tour experiences for pre-K through high school. Exploring the Museum’s collections and exhibitions, students are encouraged to think broadly about and make personal connections with works of art. Through engagement with works of art, students strengthen important skills that are necessary for success in all subject areas and in their lives.

This fund sponsors bus transportation for school groups (pre-K though grade 12) coming for a guided or self-guided visit to the Museum. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis for schools demonstrating need. Approved applicants are provided with a bus scholarship up to $250. The scholarship is paid after the visit. Scholarships are subject to availability.

Guided tours* and self-guided visits should be requested online at least 4 weeks in advance of your desired tour date and may be requested up to 12 weeks in advance. Applications for bus scholarships must be submitted within 3 business days following online submission of a tour request. Only school groups with previously confirmed tour dates are eligible to apply. Confirmation of approved bus funding occurs 5 business days after the application is received.

Refer to FAQs below for more specific information about eligibility, application processes, acceptance criteria, and more. To apply, fill out the MFAH bus scholarship fund application and send it to by email.


Q) Who is eligible for the MFAH Bus Scholarship Fund?

A) The MFAH Bus Scholarship is available to all Houston area schools (public or private) demonstrating need with Title I schools given priority.

Q) How do I apply?

A) First, submit a request for a self-guided visit, and within 3 days of that submission, send a completed bus-scholarship application form to Scholarships are subject to availability. Educators are encouraged to complete application materials in advance and submit them immediately after submitting an online tour request.

Q) When will I find out the final status of my application for the bus scholarship?

A) Notification will be given via e-mail or phone within 5 business days of the submission date of your application.

Q) If awarded the bus scholarship, how do I receive payment for the bus?

A) After your visit, you have 60 days to submit your bus invoice and W9 to the MFAH (by mail to ATTN: Education Department, P.O. Box 6826, Houston, TX 77265-6826 or by fax to 713.639.7707). Once the invoice is received, the MFAH will pay for one round trip from your school to the MFAH by bus, or up to $250. If bus costs exceed $250, the school/individual(s) are responsible for the remaining costs. If you do not submit an invoice within the 60 days, your scholarship will no longer be valid, and all expenses will be the sole responsibility of the school/individual(s).

Q) Can I change my requested date?

A) If absolutely necessary, you may request to change the date of your guided tour or self-guided visit if the request is made at least 4 weeks in advance and your previous request and bus scholarship application have not been processed. Please contact the tours assistant or 713.639.7835.

Q) How do I cancel my requested date and bus scholarship application?

A) Please give as much notice as possible when canceling a guided tour or self-guided visit. Any costs incurred by the school prior to the scheduled date are the sole responsibility of the school/individual(s). Contact or 713.639.7835.

The Bus Scholarship Program program is endowed by Melvyn and Cyvia Wolff.

All Learning and Interpretation programs at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, receive endowment income from funds provided by the Louise Jarrett Moran Bequest; Caroline Wiess Law; the William Randolph Hearst Foundation; The National Endowment for the Humanities; the Fondren Foundation; BMC Software, Inc.; the Wallace Foundation; the Neal Myers and Ken Black Children’s Art Fund; the Favrot Fund; and Gifts in honor of Beth Schneider.